Daycen is so inventive and always wanting to figure out how stuff works and he hangs stuff everywhere. I'm always finding stuff in weird places. Like the other day I walked in and found this on my welcome sign by the front door.
He got my tongs out of the drawer and his play pocket knife to hang on these hooks, "because, they needed something to hang on them, Mom! "
He is such a funny kid and we enjoy having him around!

Saturday, February 19, 2011
New Haircuts!
I must have just had it with every one's hair, because I ended up taking all of us (except Lydell and Daycen, I cut their hair myself) in for haircuts. The girl's hair was getting so long and hard to wash and comb and Brendyn's bangs were always in his eyes. And I can only go so long before mine drives me crazy!!! So we made our way to Callister's Cutting Post.
Daddy thought I went a "little overboard" cutting it so short, but I totally love it and so does Ashlyn!
Next up was Brendyn with his bangs hanging in his eyes, I've put off getting his first cut because it seems like it grows them up so fast when they get their first haircut, but he did pretty good and we left all of his curls in the back!
Traci occupied him with a sucker during the cut! Dum-dums make everything better!
Last the best of all the game???? Shaylee HATES sitting still, so getting her haircut is a challenge. We try everything from bringing the cat in the shop to whatever else will distract her. She is smiling here but by the end she was crying and telling Traci she was going to "tell my Grandma!!!!"
I also got mine done the next day!
Ashy went first, not too sure what to think of it all.
Next up was Brendyn with his bangs hanging in his eyes, I've put off getting his first cut because it seems like it grows them up so fast when they get their first haircut, but he did pretty good and we left all of his curls in the back!
Traci occupied him with a sucker during the cut! Dum-dums make everything better!
Last the best of all the game???? Shaylee HATES sitting still, so getting her haircut is a challenge. We try everything from bringing the cat in the shop to whatever else will distract her. She is smiling here but by the end she was crying and telling Traci she was going to "tell my Grandma!!!!"
I also got mine done the next day!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Shaylee's Tubie Story
I just found out it is feeding tube awareness week and it has been so fun for me to read other stories of "Tubie" kids. My oldest child has a g-tube with a Mic-Key button. Shaylee, who was born with cleft lip and palate and other brain abnormalities and special needs, gets most of her fluids from her g-tube. When she was a baby she did quite well on her special bottle, but when she started eating solids, she almost quit drinking completely. When she was about 18 months old, the prosthesis in the roof of her mouth came out and she wouldn't drink at all. We had her hospitalized for dehydration for several days. We were finally able to get her prosthesis put back in and she went back to drinking the little bit that she had been drinking. A few months later she quit drinking again and I was afraid she would get dehydrated again so I took her in and they did some labs on her. She had a sodium level of 195,which is extremely high, so they ended up life flighting her to Primary Children's Hospital where we stayed for a week. I felt like they thought we were starving her or something. The only thing they could really come up after testing her for everything under the sun, was that she doesn't FEEL thirst. I think she feels hunger, but she never gets thirsty. So we ended up putting the tube in her stomach where we give her fluids from a pump every night. She is quite low in her weight so the pedia-sure helps with that too. We feel so blessed to have this special angel in our home and know that she has a great purpose in this life because we have had several close calls where she could have died. People have been so kind to her and we appreciate that so much! We live in a great community where parents teach their children that every one is special.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
~My CrAzY LiFe!~
My life may not be perfect, but it does have some perfect moments.
Being a Mom is a lot harder than I ever thought it would be. In my mind I pictured being the perfect Mom, but sadly reality woke me up from my perfect dream. I yell and lose my patience. Sometimes I'm too tired to do all of the things I was going to do with my kids! Would I trade motherhood? NEVER!!!!! We went 5 years not being able to have kids and then after infertility treatments, had our first little miracle. After that the other 3 came quickly on their own and when I had our fourth baby, my oldest was still only 4. Life is crazy and busy, but I think the PERFECT moments make up for all of the rest!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
My birthday
Daddy took the kids shopping for my birthday and let them each pick out a present for me off of the dollar isle. They were so excited to give them to me, they could hardly wait for the big day to come! This is what they came up with:
It was a fun day and fun to see how excited the kids were with the gifts they got to give to me! We have a pretty great Daddy for taking them and letting them surprise their Momma! I am the luckiest Mom ever!!!
Shaylee chose this tiger puppet and a laffy taffy for me!
Daycen chose this gun for me, which he played with to
"show me how to work it"!
Ashlyn chose these beautiful bracelets for me!
Daycen helped Brendyn choose these silly glasses for me!
I really think they make me look younger!
It was a fun day and fun to see how excited the kids were with the gifts they got to give to me! We have a pretty great Daddy for taking them and letting them surprise their Momma! I am the luckiest Mom ever!!!
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